
The struggle of low commodity price has been undergone by agricultural-related business players for a period of time. Low product differentiation, inefficient production process, and lack of marketing skills might be the major concern of nowadays academician to deal with.

Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology (TIP) UNIDHA attempts to solve mentioned above problems by organising a scientific seminar that has the main goal is that to enhance the value-added of featured and potential local commodities. Held on 21 December 2018, this seminar was attended by Dr. Ir. Reti Wafda, MTP, the head of Balitbang of West Sumatra Province, and Ir. Wilsa Hermianti, head of Industrial Technology Baristand Padang.

In this event, the innovation product from the students of TIP UNIDHA was also exhibited such as vegetable meatballs, Sereh leaf tea, and purple sweet potato snack.


• Universitas Dharma Andalas
Untuk Kecerdasan Bangsa •

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